How to Use Your Professional Headshots for Blogging?

As a blogger, one thing you’ll need to get for your site and social media accounts is a headshot. When I first started blogging, I scoured my albums to find a “good” photo of me. They were hard to come by because I never like how I look in pictures. I found one that was ok, but not very polished looking. I remember chatting with a friend and she told me how she was getting more sponsored posts once she had a professional headshot.

I asked around locally and got a referral to a local photographer from my hairdresser. I booked an appointment with her at a local park to get my headshots taken. She was just starting out so the price was fairly inexpensive. I can tell you now a few years later, that they were worth every penny. I’m still using my headshots in so many different ways!

How to Use Your Professional Headshots?

1. About Page. That’s often the first place that brands check when they are deciding whether or not to work with you. Make sure yours really stands out from the crowd.

2. Blog sidebar. I also have my headshot on my blog sidebar so readers can easily see who runs the site.

3. Social media accounts. Don’t put a logo. A face is so much more relatable.

4. Media kit. Make a great first impression with your media kit featuring your smiling face.

5. Brand ambassadorships. If you are working on a campaign for a brand, you’ll often get asked to send a headshot so the brand can feature you on their site and social media accounts.

6. Author box. If you have an author box under your posts, this is a great spot for your headshot. Mine pulls from Gravatar so make sure to update your profile there if yours does, too.

Do you have a professional headshot for your blog? How do you use it?

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