How to Use Affiliate Links in Posts?

You ever hear that saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? That applies to blogging income too. I’m working to up my affiliate revenue in case something happens to my ad revenue or sponsored post revenue. I try to use affiliate links in every post I publish on my blog. I wanted to share some tips and strategies on how to use affiliate links in posts.

How to Use Affiliate Links in Posts?

This post contains affiliate links.

Make sure to nofollow the links.

Anytime there is a material connection, you are going to want to add the nofollow tag to the link. This tells search engines to not pass page rank to these links and affect their search engine ranking.

Make sure to disclose.

Just as important as nofollowing links is disclosing that there are affiliate links in the post. Not only is it the law, but it also helps to build reader trust. Most affiliate programs require you to disclose if you are using affiliate links and they will kick you out if you don’t.

Ensure you SEO the post.

I use SEMrush to do keyword research prior to writing any post on my blog. I try to optimize the post for SEO and hope that the Google gods picks it up and send me search traffic. Because let me tell you, it’s GOLD if they do. I find people coming from search engines click on affiliate links and BUY the products. I have affiliate posts that rank that earn me thousands of dollars a year!

Create a pinnable image for the post.

Though search engine traffic is gold, don’t discount social traffic. Remember Pinterest is a visual search engine too. If you can get a pin that ranks high in Pinterest search, there is also great potential there to earn money.

Link to other posts with affiliate links.

I try to add three relevant internal links to each post and bonus points if they are posts that have lots of affiliate links in them. The more eyeballs on your content, the better.

Types of Affiliate Posts

  • Recipes. I’ve been adding affiliate links to my recipes by listing out some kitchen tools that people will need when they make the recipe.
  • Amazon Native Ads. I like the Search ads where I can choose a keyword in Amazon and it shows me related products for people to buy. I’ve been inserting the code at the bottom of my posts.
  • Product reviews. Always ask if the company has an affiliate program and use your links! I have some product reviews that rank, but not many. They don’t perform that well for me for the most part so I rarely do them anymore.
  • Gift Guides. I think gift guides are the easiest affiliate post to write because it’s basically just a round up for links for people to buy the products. I took a Gift Guide Course recently and have been upping the gift guide content on my site.

To learn more about affiliate marketing, you can try this course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.

How do you use affiliate links in your posts?

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