I’ve been blogging for 10 years and I am still continuously learning and adapting. You pretty much have to in the blogging world or risk getting left behind. I saw a Facebook friend share a new membership group, Bloggers Tell All, and I wondered if how it differed from the free Facebook support groups that I was already part of. I kept the link in my back pocket because it intrigued me. Still, I asked myself if I would learn anything new.

On a whim one day, I decided to join and give it a shot. All I can is holy cow, I’m so glad I did. Best decision ever. It made me realize I still had a ton to learn and improve upon.


Bloggers Tell All consists of a team of eight professional bloggers who have combined their strengths and knowledge to provide help to other bloggers. You probably recognize the names. I’ve been a long time reader of many of their blogs. These bloggers, combined, make millions of dollars each year and reach more than 30 million people every single month. Wowza.

The videos and resources are all organized in a Teachable course, but the private Facebook group is where it’s at. I know their course info page mentions new bloggers, but it is also for bloggers who have been blogging for years, like me. All bloggers can benefit from this group.


I was blown away at the amount of NEW information shared in this group. You’ll receive the insider scoop on what has worked for these top bloggers so you can use these same methods to apply to your own site and grow it too.

Here are my favourite things I’ve learned so far.

1. Asana for blog organization. Oh Asana where have you been all my life? I looked at Asana last year and was overwhelmed so didn’t bother doing much with it. I watched the Bloggers Tell All Asana videos and realized how much I was missing out. I use Asana now to organize my blog and my personal life. I even said goodbye to my first true love, Trello, because Asana just worked so much better for me.

2. Newsletters. My email list has grown vastly since I switched over to ConvertKit, but I still felt lost when it came to the actual content of my newsletter. I watched Amanda’s video about newsletters and tried her tips. My click rates tripled! I couldn’t believe it.

3. SEO. The SEMrush videos are my favourite. I would watch the video and then pause to try out what I learned in SEMrush. I use SEMrush daily now and am finally working on SEO. Before I thought getting the green light in Yoast was enough…eek. Though SEO is a long game and takes time, I’m already seeing improvements.

4. Making money. In the Teachable platform, they have examples of rate sheets you can copy and make your own. They also have sample pitch letters that you can tweak to send to companies. It made me realize that I really should start pitching again. I’ll organize it all in Asana – haha!


You know sometimes you’ll ask an important question in a blogging group and then wait for an answer and nothing. Crickets. What is great about Bloggers Tell All is that someone always answers. Even if they don’t know the answer, they’ll tag someone who does and even research it to give you the information. I love that!

They also do weekly Facebook live videos on different topics. Each week, the members get invited to the event and know ahead of time what the topic is. If you can’t make it, you can just watch the recording later. I’ve watched every single one of their videos. I told you, I’m obsessed!

Every day, I’m learning something new from people’s opinion I trust and value. They give great advice!

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