An Easy Tip to Improve Your Post Speed Score

We’ve talked a few times about site speed and how it important it is to Google and for user experience to have a fast site. I have another site speed tip today to share with you. It’s an easy one but can be time consuming to implement…for me, at least, it is.

Improve your post speed scores by deleting old giveaway scripts on the post. I used mainly Rafflecopter codes to run my giveaways in the past and I’ve been painstakingly going through old giveaway posts to delete them. If the giveaway is over, there is no reason to keep them in the post.

A few years back, I switched over to more lifestyle posts from being a review & giveaway blogger. I have thousands of giveaways on my site to go through. It’s not something that I can do in one shot. There is just too many.

What I’ve been doing is going through 10 per day. I have a Google Spreadsheet where I keep track of my giveaway links to be completed. I made an Asana task to work on this project every day. I’ve done over 1000 giveaways so far! I’m not even close to being done either LOL.

While I’m deleting the old giveaway codes, I’m doing a few other things to the post:

  • Removing the Giveaway category.
  • No Following all the links.
  • Deleting broken links. Many of these companies are out of business unfortunately.
  • Removing the word Giveaway from the blog post title.
  • Removing any tracking code put in by the sponsor.

Most of these old posts get zero traffic so I don’t see any point in sharing them again on social media. The odd one will rank in Semrush, but they are few and far between.

Once I’m finished deleting all the codes, I’ll keep on top of it by deleting new giveaway codes that come up once the giveaway is over. I have a Winners page where I record who won what so I don’t need to keep the code in the post to show who won.

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