An Easy Way to Get Backlinks?

I ignored SEO for a long time and figured using Yoast was enough. It was only until I joined Bloggers Tell All that my eyes were opened. I’m not putting more of a focus on SEO when I write new posts and fixing up older posts that have potential.

One way to improve your SEO is to get quality backlinks. I don’t recommend you start emailing people and ask them to put your links in posts. I always say no when I get those annoying emails.

There are legit and easy ways to get backlinks right in the blogging community! I’m going to share “the how” with you today.

An Easy Way to Get Backlinks

1. Figure out what posts you are already ranking for in Google. These are the posts you are going to want to promote. I look in SEMrush to find my top posts and low hanging fruit posts (posts that could be doing well with just a little push). If you don’t have SEMrush, check your Google Search Console and see what posts people are coming to in search.

2. Add these posts to a list in Asana or Google Spreadsheets. This way you can easily access them at a glance.

3. Join Round Up groups on Facebook. We have a list of groups to join. These are group where people are writing round-up posts and are looking for links to add to their posts. They will usually say in their Facebook post if they will be using an image.

4. Turn on notifications for those groups OR check them daily to see if there are any new posts. Facebook is glitchy and will not always email you the notifications so it might be better to manually check them. There aren’t too many!

5. Add top posts or low hanging fruit posts to threads where they fit. If they none fit, then add other posts you have on your site. Your goal should be to first add posts from the list you made in #2.

If you get a pingback in WordPress, you can check out the post. I don’t publish pingbacks, but I like to see who is linking to me. You can share their post on social media if you like.

That’s it! I have this task repeated daily in my Asana dashboard. I hope it helps you out!

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