The summer slump is real, but don’t let it get you down. It happens every year. Now is the perfect time to work on getting your blog ready for quarter 4 when all the magic happens. Traffic goes up, ad revenue goes up and there tends to be more sponsored opportunities.

During this down time, work on your blog! I’ve been a busy bee working on mine. The to-do list never ends, but that’s ok. I know once Q4 hits, I’ll be busier and I want to be ready.


This post contains affiliate links.

1. Write Gift Guides. People are looking for gift guides in Q4 for holiday gift ideas. I took a Gift Guide course recently and have been churning them out like crazy….filled with affiliate links, of course. Gotta make the $$$.

2. Update popular posts with affiliate links. Add Amazon Native Ads or other Amazon affiliate links to posts that are relevant.

3. Lengthen your top 10 posts. If you’re with Mediavine, they suggest making posts longer to make more money. Make sure you keep the paragraphs short and add new photos.

4. Make new pins for top 10 posts. I’ve been making the 2:3 collage posts for all my new posts, but I want to go back and make them for my top 10 posts as well. Pinterest has said they love fresh pins.

5. Install a pop-up for emails. Capture those emails. It’s amazing how well email pop-ups work.

6. Move recipe cards to the bottom of your posts. Another tip I learned from Mediavine: put your recipe cards at the bottom of your posts so people have to scroll through the post (and your ads) to see them. I’m almost done moving mine. I made a Google spreadsheet to keep track.

7. Interlink posts. I interlink my new posts and my low hanging fruit posts, but it’s also good to go into your top 10 posts and make sure you’ve added related links in there too. The goal is to keep people on your site as long as possible.

8. Plan content for Q4. Now is the time to think about Pumpkin Spice! Look at what content you want to write for Q4 and start writing the posts now! Get them scheduled so you have less to do later.

9. Join holiday tribes on Tailwind. I love Tailwind Tribes and use them daily to promote my pins. Do a search now for holiday tribes and join a bunch.

What else are you doing to get your blog ready?

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